Booking Container Data

Buttons details

Property Name Property Value
Close button label Close
Select tickets button label Next
Back button label Back
Add to cart button label Add to cart
Continue exploring button label Continue exploring
Go to cart button label Go to cart
Edit button label Edit
Update cart label Update

Date and time section

Property Name Property Value
Select date title Select date
Select date description Select any day
Good Availability label Good availability
Few items label Limited availability
Sold out label Sold out
Select time title Select time
Select time description
Good Availability label Good availability
Seats left label Available
Sold out label Sold out
Event date title Event date
Event time title Event time
Non-refundable product label This is non-refundable

Accordion tiles

Property Name Property Value
Accordion tiles

Entry requirements

Property Name Property Value
Entry requirements title
Entry requirements details

Ticket selection section

Property Name Property Value
Select tickets title Select type and quantity
Regular tickets title Regular tickets
Ticket unavailability copy No more tickets
Regular tickets details
VIP tickets title VIP tickets
VIP tickets details
Remaining tickets label left
Per person label per person
Total label Total
Single Ticket label Ticket
Tickets label Tickets
Hour label
Hours label
Item label Item
Items label Items
Booking Timer Text We will hold your cart for {minutes}:{seconds} minutes
Free Variant Label Free
Child Only Error Title Add at least one adult ticket
Child Only Error Message You need to add atleast one adult ticket alongside your child ticket

Cart confirmation section

Property Name Property Value
Cart Confirmation Title Added to cart
Regular tickets label Regular
VIP tickets label VIP

Seat selection section

Property Name Property Value
Selection info title Selection info
Selection info subtitle Seat selection
Selection info warning Seat selection
Max Limit Warning Title Maximum limit exceeded
Max Limit Warning Description The maximum allowed ticket limit has been reached
Your seats label Your seats
Seat title for selected seat Seat
Seat Total Label Subtotal
Hover Single Seat Label Seat
Hover Multiple Seats Label Seats
Hover Area Label Area
Hover Price Label Price

Labels for Arabic

Property Name Property Value
Few Seat Label Arabic
Many Seat Label Arabic
Other Seat Label Arabic
Few Tickets label Arabic
Many Tickets label Arabic
Other Tickets label Arabic
Few Items label Arabic
Many Items label Arabic
Other Items label Arabic

Booking Labels for Arabic

Property Name Property Value
Upcoming Single Booking Label Upcoming Booking
Multiple Bookings Label Upcoming Bookings
Two Bookings Label Arabic
Few Bookings Label Arabic
Many Bookings Label Arabic
Past Single Booking Label Past Booking
Multiple Past Bookings Label Past Bookings
Two Past Bookings Label Arabic
Few Past Bookings Label Arabic
Many Past Bookings Label Arabic
Cancelled Single Booking Label Cancelled Booking
Multiple Cancelled Bookings Label Cancelled Bookings
Two Cancelled Bookings Label Arabic
Few Cancelled Bookings Label Arabic
Many Cancelled Bookings Label Arabic
Add On Card Item Label
Add On Card Items Label
SubTotal Two label Arabic
SubTotal Few label Arabic
SubTotal Many label Arabic

Time Labels for Arabic

Property Name Property Value
Duration Hour Label hour
Duration Hour Plural Label hours
Two Duration Hours Arabic
Few Duration Hours Arabic
Many Duration Hours Arabic
Duration Minute Label Minute
Duration Minute Plural Label Minutes
Two Duration Minute Arabic
Few Duration Minute Arabic
Many Duration Minute Arabic

Recommended Experience

Property Name Property Value
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